
Pallet's Ascension: chapter five (Third draft)

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The door was open now. I could leave whenever I wanted, but I didn’t for the longest time. Part of me believed that Lever would wake up at any moment, letting me know he was ok and ready to go. I sat across from him watching for any signs of waking up. Just watching, waiting, hoping against hope. but he never moved, never spoke, nothing. I....I couldn't wait any longer, Sprocket was still waiting for me and she was running out of time. I knelt in front of Lever once again. “Lever” I whispered “I...I have to get back to Sprocket with this medicine ok? don’t worry though, I’ll come back to get you with the others. I promise.” then I tucked him in with his jacket. I decided to take the holotapes with me to show to sprocket then, reluctantly, I walked out the door.

Retracing our steps was more difficult than I had thought, as I couldn't see any arrows from the flames. I stumbled around in the dark for a while before finally finding the glow of an “Eksit” sign. I couldn't read it still but I remembered what they looked like. Each “eksit” door had more of those blocky ramps on the other side, which I followed down until finally reaching the bottom of the big white building. at each floor i checked the door to see if melnyne was behind it, but he never once appeared again. why didn't he show up? he had found us so easily last time. i finally reached the bottom level and walked out into the light. As I walked down the path and around the statue, I looked back one more time at the big white building, thinking of Lever again. I gave one last wave goodbye to the building, then I continued out past the gate. This was where I came across my first big problem. there was no way across the gap that we had crossed before. The wire had snapped and I couldn't go back that way. There had to be another way though, there just had to! I looked around one way, then another but all I saw were tall, gray buildings. There was no real way of knowing where to go or how to get there so I decided on a direction and started walking. It was all the same things this way, buildings, blocks with circles, and empty buildings with broken glass.  As I walked past, I noticed some of these metal blocks had people in them. They were all in longsleep I guessed, because none of them moved or spoke as I passed.

Before long I came to a particular building that caught my eye, not because it was any different from the other buildings, but because a familiar face was standing on the outside. “CL9!” I called out and ran to him. It gave me an odd sense of hope that I had found him, and my mood perked up almost immediately. he turned to me as I approached him, replying in his monotone voice.“ com-mand-cen-tral un-re-spon-sive. U-nit re-quires-fur-ther in-struc-tion.” it said. I replied the best that i could. “cl9? umm I’m trying to get home, and I don’t know the way, could you help me?” CL9 was silent for a moment, then spoke in its monotone voice. “lo-ca-tion-HOME-not-found. re-si-dence num-ber re-quired” I wasn't sure what to tell him, but I did my best to describe where we lived. “no, I don’t live up here, I live under the floor” I pointed to the floor. “pro-cess-ing” it said, and a few moments later “com-mand accept-ted this way-ci-ti-zen” then he started walking. I couldn't believe it! CL9 was going to take me home! My eyes lit up as I followed his every step,  passing more boring gray buildings. All the while I was thinking of Sprocket and how excited she would have been to see all of this. It gave me even more hope through all the sad feelings I felt at the time. Even though every part of me was aching by now, I ignored the pain and pressed on for her.

Suddenly, we stopped at a blocky ramp that led up to a tube looking thing. before I could ask, CL9 led out a bellowing “A-LERT! TRAM-SYS-TEM DIS-ABLED. FUEL-CELL DE-PLE-TED. RE-PLACE-MENT RE-QUIRED!” I gave him a confused look. “whats a fuel cell?” I asked.  “IN-SUFF-I-CIENT DA-TA” it replied. I guess he didn't know what it was either, but Maybe he knew what this tube this was. “ what is this?” I pointed at the tube. This time he did have an answer to that and replied with. “sta-tion wide tran-sit sys-tem” I was still confused, so i asked another question. “Will this take me home?”   CL9 looked at me before replying “tran-sit is re-quired to reach des-tin-a-tion”.
I didn't have to understand those big words to know that meant yes. before i could ask another question CL9 started walking to a building just across the black path. it was a large red building, not very tall but wide. I followed him to it. and we both walked inside. It was totally dark in here, and there were no windows or lights. I reached into my pack to pull out a glowy stick, but before I could CL9‘s head glowed with a bright, white light.

What I saw next was. indescribably horrible.

I saw piles of people gathered in one place at the center, and all around were more people, only they were awake! They were crouched over the pile of sleeping people! Thats when I saw one of the awake people. chewing on one of the sleeping ones. Were they....eating each other?! “IN-FEC-TION DE-TEC-TED IN-ITIA-TING PURGE PRO-TO-COL!” CL9 blurted out, then he raised his hand, which revealed a whirling circle with teeth! I had heard those words before....from Melnyne just before it attacked us! This made me scared of CL9, but he wasn't looking at me! He was staring at the group of small people in front of me. The group turned on us and I saw it. the bits of person in their mouths, the red dripping from their bodies and face, their eyes were red, and their skin was pale! They growled at us and stood up, angrily glaring at us with those horrid faces. One of them made a run for us, and I flinched. CL9 was unfazed and swung at them, slicing them clean in half! The top half of the person gurgled and flailed before slowly fading into sleep, then the others attacked! One by one CL9 cut them down without effort as I hid behind him! I watched in horror as he cut them to pieces and I could hardly bear to watch! I clenched my eyes shut and huddled behind the metal man, praying for the end of it.  Before long it was over and my chest was pounding again. i peeked one eye open. CL9 looked calm, as if he had thought nothing of it. “IN-FEC-TION PURGED!” he said as the circle with teeth went back into his arm and his hand returned.

Infection? Were those people sick? There were so many questions swimming in my head. Questions I didn't understand. Why were the small people eating the big ones? Why did they attack us? what was this “infection?” As i pondered this, CL9 proceeded to the far side of the room and grabbed a large glowing pill thing from a shelf. “FUEL-CELL A-QUIRED-. RE-TURN-ING TO TRAM FOR RE-PAIRS.” He walked out the door without a second look, and I backed out slowly as well. I was afraid they would attack again so I didn't turn my back on them. I closed the door behind me as soon as I was out, and heaved a sigh. CL9 walked back to the “tram” and put the glowing pill into the very back of it. The tube thing turned on making a “wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuu” sound, and CL9 walked inside, beckoning me to follow. “DES-TIN-ATION MI-NING TUN-NEL AC-CESS!” he bellowed into the desk thing as I entered. He seemed to be talking to something at the front,but there was nothing there except for buttons. Then, without warning, the “tram” started to move and we were on our way. It looked like we were traveling along the big wall that went all around the dome thing because I could only see things from one window. i saw the buildings fly by, and then the big gap, then more buildings. This things was going fast, much faster than walking! We zipped past more and more buildings until finally coming to a stop at a familiar sight. It was the hole in the floor with the metal arm and the big box with little food boxes in it. “de-stin-ation reached” CL9 bellowed as he walked out the door, and I followed excitedly! I was almost home! but then I was reminded of the second problem.the evalatuh had broken when we left. How would I get back down? CL9 seemed to know where he was going though because he headed right for the door that Lever and I had started from, so I followed him for a bit longer. We walked down the blocky ramps, down the hallway with tubes to the evalatuh entrance. thats when CL9 noticed it was broken. “SER-VICE ELE-VA-TOR OFF-LINE. REC-COM-MEND CI-TI-ZEN USE-ES FREIGHT ELE-VA-TOR” then he walked off further down the hall. A what? I recognized the evalatuh part but not the freight part. Well, if it meant a way down, I would take it!CL9 led us to a large room at the end of the hallway. This room had a bunch of small gray doors along the sides, benches, a desk, and...something I didn’t even know how to describe behind a gate! it was a large machine thing. CL9 led us over to the gate, and opened it. “AC-CESS CARD RE-QUIR-ED” he said as he turned to me. A what? I wasn't sure what he was waiting for... oh wait! He must mean the square we got from uncle gearbox! It was still around my neck, so I pulled it out and handed it to CL9. He then put it into a slot and we slowly started to creep down. lower and lower. the cage rattled and the so did the machine thing inside with us. I was so excited to finally be home! I had the medicine for Sprocket now and everything was going to be ok! I just wished Lever was here with me.

The evelatuh finally came to a stop, and we were inside the red building across from our house, just further inside it. “CL9“ I said, wait here for a second ok?” I wanted to surprise Sprocket with him. “COM-AND AC-CEPT-ED” he bellowed, and I took off for the door. As I opened it I was greeted with the familiar sight of our home. The rickety gray porch, the windows, the off-color door, and the circle of light from the hole above were all refreshing sights in comparison to the nightmare of the skyhole world! I felt relieved to finally be back, and I sprinted off to the door of the house. I ran inside straight to Sprocket's bedroom yelling the whole while “SPROCKET, I’M BACK! I GOT THE MEDICINE I GOT THE- . I came to her room, but she wasn't in it. instead I saw cog on the ground surrounded by a pool of red. bite marks all around his face and neck! “cog?!” I cried out, but he didn't move, or speak. he looked just like Lever, laying there, sleeping in red. “cog?” tears filled my eyes, there was no denying this was longsleep too. I started to panic! Where was Sprocket? I got up and ran to each of the rooms, but she wasn't in them. I called her name, but there was no reply.

then I ran back outside and saw her.

she was standing under the circle of light. facing me. “SPROCKET!” I called out I started running up to her. then I heard the growling noise. it was just like those others in the red building above the skyhole. She walked closer and I saw her eyes were red, her skin was pale, and her golden hair was dull and dark, and there was red stuff around her mouth and hands....

she shuffled towards me.

“SPROCKET! ITS ME, PALLET!” I called out again, but there was no response, only an angry growling. The tears welled up in my eyes even more. “I GOT YOU THE MEDICINE! ITS GONNA BE OK!” I called, but she paid no mind to what I was saying. She was walking faster towards me now. she shrieked!

Now she was jogging towards me. It was scaring me so I reached for the pop L in my pocket, and pointed it at her! “SPROCKET! PLEASE!“ She was in a full sprint now, shrieking and growling. she didn’t look like my sister anymore, she looked like a monster. an angry snarling creature! A tear streaked down my face, and I squeezed the L.


she dropped to the floor, her dark gold hair spread across the ground mixed with the crimson read pouring from the hole between her eyes.

I dropped the L and then dropped to my knees.

I lost control of myself. i screamed in an agony I had never know before! screaming through tears, and vain cries!


THEY WERE ALL GONE!!!! I left to save one, and now they’re all gone! I curled into a ball on the ground and wept.

I was all alone now!

uncle Gearbox,




they were gone!

I was all alone...
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killianw's avatar
is there gonna be more? PLEASE TELL ME THERE'S MORE?! this is the saddest...the best....good god i dont know how to describe....sorry if i flood your notifications when you post new stuff, but there has to be more!!!